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Chronology for Sardinians in Italy

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Nov 1991 The Italian parliament passes a law recognizing 11 minority languages including the Sardinian language. The law gives regional authorities discretion to decide on bilingualism in communities in which at least 15% speak a minority language. This includes teaching in primary schools and, in the case of Sardinia, could even be extended to secondary education. The law will also permit minority languages in government offices.
Aug 1992 There are several bomb attacks and shootings against various targets in Sardinia including a town hall, Italian soldiers and the police. These attacks are believed to be in response to Rome sending some 5,000 troops to Sardinia to improve controls in remote areas believed to be scattered with refugees and local criminals. But some Sardinians are unhappy at the presence of what they see as an occupying force. Unspecified groups claiming to be fighting for Sardinian independence take credit for some of the attacks.
1993 The Italian government quashes as unconstitutional a motion passed by the Sardinian Regional Council to provide limited instruction in and administrative use of the Sardinian language.
Jul 1993 At a rally attended by 300, Angelo Caria, a Sardinian separatist leader, accuses the "colonialists" from the Italian mainland of illegally installing gates and barriers on footpaths and public land next to beaches, denying access to local people.
May 1996 A new Zealand company purchased the right to mine the scant amount of gold in Sardinia. Other mines, such as copper and nickel, have closed in the area, so thousands applied for jobs in the new mine. (Daily Telegraph 5/22/96)
Jun 17, 1998 Italian deputies approved a draft law to protect and promote linguistic minorities in Italy by allowing their languages to be spoken in courts and permitting ethnic names which had been Italianized to revert back to their original spellings. The measure had not yet been approved by the Senate. (Agence France Presse 6/17/98)
Jul 6, 2002 Sardinian Autonomy Movement (MAS) claimed responsibility for three bomb explosions at a post office. (MIPT Terrorism Knowledge Base. 1/29/2008. "Sardinian Autonomy Movement (MAS).")
Jan 12, 2004 Italian police arrested a Sardinian after a package was sent to Romano Prodi, European Commission President, containing shotgun shells and fireworks. (The Washington Post, 2/4/2004, “World in Brief”)
Jan 21, 2004 The Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori, an Italian agricultural association, demonstrated against the low prices of Sardinian farmers' produce. (ANSA English Corporate Service, 1/21/2004, “Italian CIA Stages Farmers Protest in Cagliari”)
Jun 12, 2004 Three men, allegedly of the Frairi anarchist group, were arrested for a bombing before Italy’s EU parliamentary elections. There were no injuries. (Agence France Presse, 6/12/2004, “Home-made bomb explodes outside Forza Italia party’s Sardinia HQ”)
Mar 21, 2005 An estimated 100 Sardinian separatists protested at Prime Minister Berlusconi’s home in Sardinia. They demanded that the US military influence be removed from Sardinia. (The Times (London), 3/21/2005, “Protesters make a mockery of security at Berlusconi villa”)
Mar 23, 2005 Sardinian separatists demonstrated in front of the courthouse in Cagliari to call for an end to the Italian military presence in Sardinia. (ANSA English Media Service, 3/23/2005, “Sardinian Separatists Call for End to 'Military Occupation'”)


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Information current as of July 16, 2010